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About CARL

July 2020

Food: Sandwiches and meals that require utensils to eat are allowed ONLY at study tables or carrels.  Handheld snacks are allowed anywhere else EXCEPT in or around the following areas:

-  Archives and Special Collections

-  Library computers

-  Photocopiers

-  Microforms

Beverages: Non-alcoholic beverages are permitted that can be re-closed (screw top) or in other spill resistant containers (e.g., travel mugs, sports bottles, or water bottles).

Vending Machines:  There are vending machines located in the main lobby area of the 1st floor and on the 2nd floor at the top of the stairs in the alcove to your right. 

Dispose of everything properly: Place garbage in trash cans.

Leave no trace: Please leave library furnishings and resources in the same condition as you found them. Wipe up spills (all restrooms have paper towels).  Report any spills or trash to library staff as soon as possible.

Note: Library personnel reserve the right to ask anyone to remove inappropriate food and drink from the library. Repeat offenders may lose library privileges.

Why do we have these restrictions?

-  To protect the collection and equipment.

-  To prevent infestation of bugs, mice, and other pests.

-  To keep floors and furnishings in good condition.


-  Pick up after yourself – take out what you bring in.

-  Report spills promptly to library staff.

-  Be respectful of your fellow students and leave your study area clean for the next person.

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