CARL has rules and guidelines to protect all who use the library. Library staff may require a patron to leave the premises, call the police or bar a patron from the library for noncompliance.
CARL is committed to maintaining a safe and civil learning environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors, and to create a setting that promotes study, research, and scholarly interaction.
The Code of Conduct applies to all users of the CARL, including students, faculty, staff and visitors.
CARL reserves the right to revoke all library privileges to violators of the Code of Conduct.
CARL's building and collections are to be respected and protected at all times. Vandalism, or the willful destruction of any library property or equipment, is prohibited.
Alcohol or illegal drugs may not be brought into the library, nor may persons under the influence of either use the library.
Only animals trained to assist disabled individuals are permitted in the library.
Closing Time:
Please leave the library promptly at closing time.
Computer Use:
Users of the Library's general computers may not send, receive, or display text or graphics that may be construed as obscene under Section 2907.32 of the Ohio Revised Code. Using images, including computer images, to harass other users or library employees, especially after a request to stop has been made, may constitute sexual harassment and will be handled by the appropriate enforcement authority. Child pornography is not protected under the first amendment. Any user accessing child pornography will be asked to exit the computer program and will be reported to proper law enforcement authorities.
Disorderly Conduct:
Disorderly conduct is not acceptable. Disorderly conduct is (1) brawling or fighting; (2) disturbing an assembly; or (3) engaging in offensive, obscene, abusive, boisterous, harassing, or noisy actions or using offensive, obscene, or abusive language which may harass or arouse alarm, anger, or resentment in others.
When visiting the Library, shirts, blouses, shoes, and other appropriate attire must be worn. Persons who violate these rules may be removed from the Library or referred to Student Affairs.
When the alarm sounds, please follow staff directions promptly.
Offensive or abusive language is not acceptable.
For the safety of all patrons, please do not run in the library.
Skateboards and In-Line Skates:
Carry skateboards and remove skates while in the library.
Vaping is not permitted in the Library.
In compliance with the CGSC’s Tobacco Free Campus Policy, the use of any tobacco product is prohibited in the Library. This includes cigarettes, e-cigarettes, chew, pipes, cigars, hookah or water pipe smoking, snuff, and snus.
Staff Areas:
The public is not permitted behind the circulation desk or in other non-public areas.
Theft/Damage to Property:
Persons intentionally damaging and/or defaces materials, furnishings, equipment or premises, or attempts theft, the library reserves the right to bar them from the facility and the Fort Leavenworth Military Police will be called. Clipping coupons, cutting articles out of magazines, removing pages from any books or magazines, hacking or altering computer settings, writing on, scratching or in any way damaging materials, furniture, or premises are included in this policy.