This Research Guide provides information on finding current and obsolete military publications, primarily Army doctrine. Feel free to e-mail Ask-a-Librarian if you have questions or comments concerning this guide.
The Army Publishing Directorate (APD) provides links to current Army publications. Some publications require a CAC card login to view them. The Central Army Registry (C.A.R.) also provides links to current Army publications. Some publications require a CAC card login to view them. To find out if an Army publication is current, use the APD Publications/Form Records Search.
Army Doctrinal Publications (ADPs)
Army Doctrinal Reference Publications (ADRPs)
Army Regulations (ARs)
Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (ATTPs)
Army Techniques Publications (ATPs)
DA Forms (Department of the Army)
Department of the Army Pamphlets (DA PAMs)
Field Manuals (from APD)
Soldier Training Publications (STPs)
Technical Manuals (available through LOGSA)
Training Circulars (TCs)
Other Army Publications
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Publications
U. S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Publications
DOD Dictionary of Military Terms (available from the DOD Terminology Program)
DOD Issuances (DOD directives, instructions, publications & manuals, and administrative instructions)
DOD Forms (DOD Forms Management Program)
Current Joint publications are available from the Joint Electronic Library (JEL). The menu on the left side of the JEL page provides links to Joint Publications, CJCS Directives, Instructions, Manuals, and other joint publications.
Marine Corps Publications Electronic Library
National Guard Bureau Publications and Forms
U.S. Air Force (USAF) -- Some current Air Force publications are available from the Air Force e-Publishing Website.