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CARL: Special Collections


The Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library Special Collections exist to preserve and make available to researchers Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth and other historical materials.

Due to the restricted area in which Special Collections is located, all visiting scholars and researchers must make an appointment to use the archival and special collections and to insure maximum assistance with their research.

To make an appointment please email:


General Polices

  • Patrons should be aware the Special Collections is a closed stack and in a restricted area. Browsing in the stacks is not permitted, and all of our materials are non-circulating.
  • International officers assigned to Fort Leavenworth please consult with the 1st floor reference staff for use of any of the archival or special collections materials.
  • Foreign visitors must contact their embassy in Washington, DC to submit the Request for Visit Authorization to HQDA G2. Visit requests must be submitted 30 days prior to the date of visit.

Security Polices

  • Special Collections' materials are stored in a secured area. Researchers may not bring any electronic devices (laptop, cell phone, smartwatch) into this area. Lockable drawers are available for patrons to store small electronic devices. 
  • Backpacks and other large bags cannot be taken into the research area and must be stored outside or just inside the door.
  • All visitors without the necessary security clearance will be escorted by a staff member at all times while in the secure area.
  • Arrangements can be made if a patron wishes to use a personal electronic device to take notes or photograph materials. Please confirm with a staff member when making an appointment.

Copyright and Duplication Polices

  • Most photocopying is done by archival staff only and completed as other staff duties allow. The maximum pages photocopied per item is 20.
  • The Special Collections staff are able to scan and digitize materials. Photocopying, scanning and photo duplication decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
  • Reproductions are made solely for the personal use of the individual requesting them. Permission of the ISCARL Special Collections must be obtained for any other use.
  • Certain materials may not be copied due to physical condition, restrictions imposed by the donor, copyright law, or right-to-privacy statutes.
  • Patrons are responsible for observing all United States and international copyright regulations.
  • Reproduction does not transfer either copyright or property rights, nor does it constitute permission to publish or to display materials.
  • Please consult a staff member for more information.

Visitor Information

Facilities and Equipment

  • Special Collections has a photocopier, flatbed scanner, overhead scanner, and microfilm reader. Additional microfilm readers are located on the first floor.
  • There are three study rooms for archival researchers to use on the third floor.

Usage Guidelines

  • Use of ink is prohibited; please take notes in pencil.
  • Materials may not leave the area.
  • Materials must remain flat on the table and be handled carefully during use.
  • All records must be kept in their present arrangement.
  • Do not make any alterations to the documents.
  • Nothing may be placed on the materials being used.
  • Do not write on top of materials.
  • No food or drink is allowed when viewing documents.
  • Do not remove staples, paper clips or other fasteners.

Rare Books
Approximately 625 titles. The collection dates from 1600 forward and includes works on all aspects of military art and science.

Special Collections Monographs
Approximately 415 linear feet, representing about 6,800 titles. Most of these works are out-of-print and in fragile condition and were published during the nineteenth or early twentieth centuries. Other items in the collection are autographed by the authors or are record copies of Fort Leavenworth publications.

The CGSC Curriculum Archives
Approximately 1,500 linear feet. This collection dates from the Infantry and Cavalry School of the late 1880s to the present. The archives are organized by academic year and then by department of instruction/course numbers.

World War I Pamphlet Collection
A collection of over 200 pamphlets covering various aspects of the U.S. Army's participation in World War I. These pamphlets date mainly from 1917-1918 and were issued as informational/instructional material during the war. Many have been digitized and are in CARL’s digital library at

Secretary of War Annual Reports
Removed from the regular collection for preservation purposes, this set of volumes is in fragile condition due to paper deterioration. The incomplete set covers the years from the Civil War period to the later 1930s. Only a few of the many volumes are missing.

The Combined Arms and Fort Leavenworth Archives (CAFLA) Collection
This collection has non-record copies of documents (reports, correspondence, etc.) that detail the operations and activities of the Combined Arms Center (CAC) and its subordinate organizations and other agencies and organizations located at or reporting to Fort Leavenworth. There are some materials from the 1970s but the strength of the collection begins in 1980.

Obsolete Military Manuals
Historic field manuals, Army regulations, DA Pamphlets, TOs and TO&Es dating back to the First World War  Some are available online in our digital library, here:

Obsolete Military Manuals

General Orders, Circulars, Bulletins and Special Orders
This collection consists of orders for the Army, Fort Leavenworth, Department of the Missouri and others dating back to the mid 1800s.

Photograph Collection
The Archives has faculty, staff, and class photographs and some negatives from the first Infantry and Cavalry School class in 1883 to 1964 when yearbook photos replaced the old system. There are a few historical photos of buildings/scenes at Fort Leavenworth though most photos of this type are held by the Frontier Army Museum.

Strategy and tactics for learning, the Papers of General Paul F. Gorman, USA (R)
This collection consists papers, speeches, and photos that General Paul F. Gorman gathered over his distinguished career. The collection highlights his achievements in the Army and his continuing work after he retired from the military. These items are digitized and are available in the CARL's Digital Library at 

  • Combined Arms Instruction Study Group The Combined Arms Instruction Study Group (CAIS) was formed in1965 to determine the adequacy of doctrine, principally mechanized infantry, for combined arms instruction. Its scope was an analysis of doctrine for the employment of armor and infantry, particularly mechanized infantry, which established the basis for combined arms instruction for the 1965- 1970 time frame. Also, the implementation of the conclusions and recommendations of the study on “US/FRG mechanized infantry doctrine for the 1965-1975 time period” in instruction at the infantry and the Armor Schools. This collection was processed in the order it was in the folder it was found, so there may be some duplicates and incomplete documents. A best effort has been made to keep like documents together and categorize by subject.
  • FM 100-5 1986 Collection The FM 100-5 1986 Collection is an open, processed collection of material emanating from multiple sources collected from the process of writing Field Manual 100-5 1986, which was officially published in May 1986. 

  • Fort Leavenworth Hall of Fame Annual Files (no updated) The Fort Leavenworth Hall of Fame collection is a processed, open collection containing file folders relating to the operation of the Memorial Hall Association and the Fort Leavenworth Hall of Fame. The collection is found in nine boxes. Four boxes (boxes 1-4) have the folders arranged by year, then by folder number. These file folders contain after action reports, correspondence, publicity clippings, memorandums, decision papers and photographs relating to the Hall of Fame ceremony. 

  • Papers of Maj Earl and Florence Hallgren The papers of MAJ Earl and Florence Hallgren offer a look at how World War II affected two people from Omaha, Nebraska. The collection is small, but offers an unusual look at the war. 

  • International Officer Collection The International Officers collection is a small collection of official papers and journal articles of the USACGSC Allied Officer program. In 1894, Lt. Henri LeComte became the first international student to attend the Command and General Staff College course and in 1994, CGSC commemorated the participation of International Officers by celebrating the International Officers Centennial. The following is collection of various articles and papers published from 1953 to 1998. 

  • Joseph J. Koch Collection The Joseph J. Koch collection is an extensive personal military collection from the first third of the 20th century and it consists of Army doctrinal materials, books, maps, and other memorabilia pertaining to Major Koch's Army service.The Joseph J. Koch collection is an extensive personal military collection from the first third of the 20th century and it consists of Army doctrinal materials, books, maps, and other memorabilia pertaining to Major Koch's Army service. 

  • Kermit Roosevelt Exchange Lecture Collection The Kermit Roosevelt Lecture collection is a processed, restricted collection containing audio tapes, video tapes, transcripts and programs relating to the annual Kermit Roosevelt lecture held at the Command and General Staff College. The collection is contained in three boxes in the Library Archives. The materials are arranged chronologically and are not separated by format. 

  • COL Edmund J. Lilly, Jr. POW Papers The Colonel Edmund J. Lilly collection is an open collection of papers relating to the military service and experiences of a P.O.W. in the World War II Pacific Theater. Col. Lilly was born in North Carolina and graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1915. In 1917, he received a commission in the regular Army. In 1941 he was sent to Manila in the Philippines to serve in the U.S. Army's Philippine Division. He became the commander of the 57th Philippine Scout Regiment. The unit served on Bataan during the Japanese invasion. He became a P.O.W. in April 1942 when the Americans surrendered to the Japanese. For the next 40 months he was in various Japanese P.O.W. camps. To keep his sanity, he maintained a diary in tiny notebooks. In addition to the diary he wrote down poems, songs, recipes, rules for Bridge and everything he could remember. After his release from the camp, he spend 6 months in a hospital and eventually returned to active duty. He retired from the Army in 1953 and returned to North Carolina. His collection of diaries, memorabilia and other materials was donated to the Combined Arms Research Library in 1998 by his daughters, Elizabeth Ann Lilly Barrett and Victoria Lilly MacMillan. 

  • Orville Wells Martin, Jr. Collection Colonel Orville Wells Martin Jr., U.S. Army, Retired, was editor in chief of the Military Review from March 1972 to May 1974. The collection consists of historical articles, pamphlets, leaflets, and guides collected or written by Colonel Martin about Fort Leavenworth. 

  • Warnock, BG Alan D. Paper (1920-1946) BG Warnock served in the U.S. Army from 1913 until 1946. The material in the collection does not cover his entire career, but is fragmentary. It begins with his attendance at the Company Officer Basic Course at Fort Benning, GA in 1920 and ends in 1946. The bulk of the collection deals with his time in Hawaii from 1931-1935. This includes official plans and memorandums relating to exercises conducted annually in Hawaii. There are some reports of various boards BG Warnock sat on, including courts martial and planning for future transportation needs of the Army in Hawaii.There is also a lot of material from his time as an instructor at the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth from 1937-1941. 

  • Karl. D. White, Philippine Insurrection Diaries Private Karl D. White was a member of Company K of the 32nd. He served with the unit from its formation in 1899, until his discharge in 1901. He kept diaries of his service time in three small notebooks. The diaries begin in October 1899, when he left Honolulu on the transport ship Glenogle, and continue until May 6, 1901, when he was in San Francisco awaiting discharge. After the war, he returned to his home town of Independence, Kansas, where he became a mail carrier. He was an active member of the 32nd Volunteer Infantry Association from its formation in 1934, until his death in 1940. The diaries were donated to the 32nd Volunteer Infantry Association upon his death. When the organization dissolved in the 1960's, the diaries were donated to the Frontier Army Museum at Fort Leavenworth, along with the papers of the organization. They were later transferred to the Combined Arms Research Library where they are available for use by researchers. 

  • United States Disciplinary Barracks Collection The United States Disciplinary Barracks Collection is a partially restricted collection of materials pertaining to the organization, operations, and history of the oldest military prison in the United States. The collection includes material such as topical files, annual reports, correspondence, histories, guides, photographs, and various ephemera. 

  • Ernest Woodcock Collection The Ernest Woodcock Collection is an open, processed collection containing photographs, letters, newspaper clippings and ephemera pertaining to the World War I military service of Ernest E. Woodcock of Topeka, Kansas. The collection is contained in one 101/2" x 5" box. There are 5 folders of papers; one envelope containing programs, funeral cards, small photos, a medal and a lock of hair; and 20 5 x 7 and larger photographs. The material was received in several different folders and envelopes and was reorganized by the archives staff into a loose subject arrangement. The provenance of the material is unknown, although Ernest's sister Alice wrote one of the biographical notes found in the collection. 

  • World War I Peace Conference Documents This small collection of documents contains various papers relating to the Versailles and Paris Peace conferences held after World War I. The collection is not a complete record of the peace conferences. The material was donated to the Combined Arms Research Library by the Liberty Memorial Museum in Kansas City, Missouri. 
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