The Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library Special Collections exist to preserve and make available to researchers Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth and other historical materials.
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Rare Books
Approximately 625 titles. The collection dates from 1600 forward and includes works on all aspects of military art and science.
Special Collections Monographs
Approximately 415 linear feet, representing about 6,800 titles. Most of these works are out-of-print and in fragile condition and were published during the nineteenth or early twentieth centuries. Other items in the collection are autographed by the authors or are record copies of Fort Leavenworth publications.
The CGSC Curriculum Archives
Approximately 1,500 linear feet. This collection dates from the Infantry and Cavalry School of the late 1880s to the present. The archives are organized by academic year and then by department of instruction/course numbers.
World War I Pamphlet Collection
A collection of over 200 pamphlets covering various aspects of the U.S. Army's participation in World War I. These pamphlets date mainly from 1917-1918 and were issued as informational/instructional material during the war. Many have been digitized and are in CARL’s digital library at http://cgsc.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/
Secretary of War Annual Reports
Removed from the regular collection for preservation purposes, this set of volumes is in fragile condition due to paper deterioration. The incomplete set covers the years from the Civil War period to the later 1930s. Only a few of the many volumes are missing.
The Combined Arms and Fort Leavenworth Archives (CAFLA) Collection
This collection has non-record copies of documents (reports, correspondence, etc.) that detail the operations and activities of the Combined Arms Center (CAC) and its subordinate organizations and other agencies and organizations located at or reporting to Fort Leavenworth. There are some materials from the 1970s but the strength of the collection begins in 1980.
Obsolete Military Manuals
Historic field manuals, Army regulations, DA Pamphlets, TOs and TO&Es dating back to the First World War Some are available online in our digital library, here:
General Orders, Circulars, Bulletins and Special Orders
This collection consists of orders for the Army, Fort Leavenworth, Department of the Missouri and others dating back to the mid 1800s.
Photograph Collection
The Archives has faculty, staff, and class photographs and some negatives from the first Infantry and Cavalry School class in 1883 to 1964 when yearbook photos replaced the old system. There are a few historical photos of buildings/scenes at Fort Leavenworth though most photos of this type are held by the Frontier Army Museum.
Strategy and tactics for learning, the Papers of General Paul F. Gorman, USA (R)
This collection consists papers, speeches, and photos that General Paul F. Gorman gathered over his distinguished career. The collection highlights his achievements in the Army and his continuing work after he retired from the military. These items are digitized and are available in the CARL's Digital Library at https://cgsc.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p16040coll10