Copyright permissions are required for MMAS theses and SAMS monographs. These become openly accessible via the CARL’s Digital Library after graduation.
Please fill out the Student Copyright Permissions Request Form and submit before contacting CARL's Copyright Office. Student forms should be received at minimum one month before your final deadline.
Materials in the public domain are recommended, to include .mil and .gov websites, Center for Military History publications, Library of Congress materials, and more. Please see the Copyright Office for additional information or contact our Reference staff through Ask a Librarian for assistance with finding public domain materials.
Copyright permissions are required for any copyrighted work used as a part of curriculum.
Please fill out the Faculty Copyright Permissions Request Form. All copyright requests require 8-12 weeks, so please allow an appropriate amount of time when requesting permission. There are major publishers that require extended amounts of time to process and approve requests. Approval from the Copyright Office must be in hand before reproducing, uploading or using material. Each copyright permission is obtained for one academic year, so materials used annually must be requested annually.
Office Hours and Location:
Eisenhower Hall, CARL, Rm C118
8:00-11:00am & 1:00-3:00pm
Should you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, contact the Copyright Office via our Ask a Librarian service or at usarmy.leavenworth.tradoc.mbx.armyu-cgsc-carl-acquisitions@army.mil.
Mailing Address:
US Army Command and General Staff College
Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library
ATTN: Copyright Office
250 Gibbons Avenue
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-7800
The library does not provide fair use analysis or legal advice, only copyright permissions. All risk assessments and legal opinions should come from the local SJA office.
Citing a material does not excuse the need for copyright permission.
All works not your own still require permission to use.
Unfortunately, it depends. Large publishing houses typically require 8 - 12 weeks to respond. Copyright owners or authors that are difficult to find or contact can also require several weeks due to research and response times.
Again, this depends. The amount of material required of the total work, how the material will be used, and other factors go in to determining cost.
Anything we use in the curriculum or in the classroom should be a legal copy. If a YouTube video is a legal copy, legally posted and is not an infringement, there is no issue in using it in the classroom. Posting a link to a legal copy is always a preferred option.
Contact CARL's Copyright Office or feel free to consult The Copyright Genie or the Digital Image Rights Computator to begin learning more.